This blog post is based on several studies of post-secondary student performance, comparing online learning with in-person teaching. Cellini summarises the results as follows:
The results are generally consistent with past research: Online coursework generally yields worse student performance than in-person coursework. The negative effects of online course-taking are particularly pronounced for less-academically prepared students and for students pursuing bachelor’s degrees. New evidence from 2020 also suggests that the switch to online course-taking in the pandemic led to declines in course completion. However, a few new studies point to some positive effects of online learning, too.
Although you will see that I question the results of some of the studies, and certainly Cellini’s own conclusions, the following will be useful for anyone asked to write a paper comparing online versus in-person learning, or to answer questions on this topic from faculty or administrators. Because of the number of research papers covered, this is a long post, but make sure you read my analysis at the end, which questions many of these findings.
Cellini draws on the following studies to come to her conclusions:
Students in a large introductory microeconomics course at a major research university were randomly assigned to live lectures versus watching these same lectures in an Internet setting where all other factors (e.g., instruction, supplemental materials) were the same. We find modest evidence that live-only instruction dominates Internet instruction. These results are particularly strong for Hispanic students, male students, and lower-achieving students. We also provide suggestions for future experimentation in other settings.
The important point about this study is that no attempt was made to re-design courses for an online learning environment.
2. Alpert, W., Couch, K. and Harmon, O. (2016). A Randomized Assessment of Online Learning. American Economic Review, Vol. 106, No. 5.
A microeconomics principles course employing random assignment across three sections with different teaching models is used to explore learning outcomes as measured by a cumulative final exam for students who participate in traditional face-to-face classroom instruction, blended face-to-face and online instruction with reduced instructor contact time, and a purely online instructional format. Evidence indicates learning outcomes were reduced for students in the purely online section relative to those in the face-to-face format by 5 to 10 points on a cumulative final exam. No statistically significant differences in outcomes are observed for students in the blended relative to the face-to-face section.
3. Joyce, T. et al. (2015) Does classroom time matter? Economics of Education Review, Vol. 46, June
We randomized 725 college students into traditional twice-per-week and compressed once-per-week lecture formats in introductory microeconomics. [Results]:
Note that the overall differences were smail.
We study students at one large for-profit university with an undergraduate enrollment of more than 100,000 students, 80 percent of whom are seeking a bachelor’s degree. The university’s average student takes two-thirds of her courses online. The remaining one-third of courses meet in conventional in-person classes held at one of the university’s 102 physical campuses. The data for this paper cover more than four years of the university’s operations, including over 230,000 students enrolled in 168,000 sections of more than 750 different courses…..the university’s online classes attempt to replicate its traditional in-person classes, except that student-student and student-professor interactions are virtual and asynchronous….we find that taking a course online, instead of in-person, reduces student success and progress in college. Grades are lower both for the course taken online and in future courses. Students are less likely to remain enrolled at the university. These estimates are local average treatment effects for students with access to both online and in-person options; for other students, online classes may be the only option for accessing college-level courses.
I think this study needs to be treated with some caution. I’m guessing that the University of Phoenix was the institution in question, before being investigated for financial issues under the Obama administration and subsequently closing most of its campuses. Thus although the results may be relevant for this particular institution, it is not a good exemplar for comparison with online learning at other institutions.
Using a dataset containing nearly 500,000 courses taken by over 40,000 community and technical college students in Washington State, this study examines the performance gap between online and face-to-face courses and how the size of that gap differs across student subgroups and academic subject areas. While all types of students in the study suffered decrements in performance in online courses, those with the strongest declines were males, younger students, Black students, and students with lower grade point averages. Online performance gaps were also wider in some academic subject areas than others. After controlling for individual and peer effects, the social sciences and the applied professions (e.g., business, law, and nursing) showed the strongest online performance gaps.
For me, this us by far the best paper on this topic, although it is specific to community college students in one state of the USA (Washington). The authors make the important point that some types of students will need more support or ‘scaffolding’ than others if they are to succeed in online learning. This is required reading in any discussion of comparisons between online and in-person teaching, and especially for those who will have disadvantaged students in their online courses. For a more detailed review of this article see Comparing apples with oranges: online vs face-to-face-learning in community-colleges.
We measure the effect on learning outcomes of a prototypical interactive learning online statistics course by randomly assigning students on six public university campuses to take the course in a hybrid format (with machine-guided instruction accompanied by one hour of face-to-face instruction each week) or a traditional format (as it is usually offered by their campus, typically with about three hours of face-to-face instruction each week). We find that learning outcomes are essentially the same—that students in the hybrid format are not harmed by this mode of instruction in terms of pass rates, final exam scores, and performance on a standardized assessment of statistical literacy. We also conduct speculative cost simulations and find that adopting hybrid models of instruction in large introductory courses has the potential to significantly reduce instructor compensation costs in the long run.
This was a study during the Covid-19 pandemic of students at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
In the fall of 2020, we randomized 551 West Point students in a required Introductory Economics course across twelve instructors to either an online or in-person class. West Point limited classroom capacity to incorporate social distancing measures. However, unlike other institutions, West Point still needed to carry out its unique mission to provide physical and military training; thus students returned to campus for the Fall 2020 semester. For this study, each instructor agreed to teach half of their four section teaching load online and half in-person. Each in-person and online class allowed for twelve and eighteen students respectively.
Final grades for online students dropped by 0.215 standard deviations; a result apparent in both assignments and exams and largest for academically at-risk students. A post-course survey finds that online students struggled to concentrate in class and felt less connected to their instructors and peers. We find that the shift to online education had negative results for learning.
Although not explicitly stated in the paper, it appears that the same lectures delivered in class were also delivered online. It should also be noted that although in both modes class sizes were small, the online classes had 50% more students than the in-person classes.
8. Cacault. M. et al. (2021) Distance Learning in Higher Education: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 19, Issue 4
Using a randomized experiment in a public Swiss university, we study the impact of online live streaming of lectures on student achievement and attendance. We find that (i) attending lectures via live streaming lowers achievement for low-ability students and increases achievement for high-ability ones; (ii) students use the live streaming technology only occasionally, apparently when random events make attending in class too costly, and (iii) offering live streaming reduces in-class attendance only mildly.
Our experiment provides an ideal opportunity to identify the causal effect of what is arguably the most salient feature distinguishing online from offline education, namely, the fact that the material is presented to the students via the screen of an internet connected device located at any distance from the teacher. In our experiment, this is the only difference between the treatment and the control conditions. Our analysis shows that students use live streaming only occasionally, apparently when attending in class is too costly, and that attending lectures online has a negative impact on achievement for low-ability students and a positive one for high-ability ones.
Again, note that the only difference between the online and in-person teaching is that the in-person lessons are also streamed.
[This study] estimates differences in student performance under online versus face-to-face course delivery formats in the California Community College system. On average, students have poorer outcomes in online courses in terms of the likelihood of course completion, course completion with a passing grade, and receiving an A or B. These estimates are robust across estimation techniques, different groups of students, and different types of classes. Accounting for differences in instructor characteristics …dampens but does not fully explain the estimated relationships. Online course-taking also has implications for downstream outcomes, although these effects are smaller. Students are more likely to repeat courses taken online, but are less likely to take new courses in the same subject following courses taken online. Online course-taking is associated with particularly pronounced negative outcomes in Math and Humanities….it is important to realize that our results may miss an array of benefits that online courses may offer students. For instance, students may be able to retain jobs that demand flexible schedules or may save on child care costs if they can complete coursework on a nonstandard schedule.
The study sampled first-time entrants to the community college system in the 2008–09 academic year. The study looked at the performance of 217,194 students out of the 440,405 first-time entrants in the California Community College System, due to a number of restrictions in the sampling. For instance, the sample was limited to courses in which both in-person and online options were offered at the same college in the same term. The sample was also restricted to students aged between 18-40. Importantly, both asynchronous and synchronous online courses were included in the sample. Unfortunately, though, the analysis did not examine whether this made any difference to online performance.
Overall, this is a very sophisticated study, which controls for a number of different variables. However, what was not controlled for was different types of online teaching – synchronous versus asynchronous (or for that matter, different types of in-person teaching).
Using records from nearly 40,000 students from a medium-sized regional comprehensive university, we compare grades earned in subsequent follow-up courses between students who completed the prerequisite in an online format versus a traditional one. We find that students’ grades in follow-up courses can be expected to be nearly one twelfth of a grade point lower if the prerequisite course was taken online.
11. Huntingdon-Klein, N., et al. (2016) Selection into Online Community College Courses and Their Effects on Persistence National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research Calder Working Paper 131
Student data are derived from the Washington State Board of Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC) as provided by the Washington State Education Research & Data Center (ERDC). We used student transcript, background, and degree completion data on all students who took a course at a public Washington State community college from fall 2008 to summer 2013, with data from 35 different community colleges.
For the average person, taking an online course has a negative effect on the probability of taking another course in the same field and on the probability of earning a degree. The negative effect on graduation for students who choose to take an online course is stronger than the negative effect for the average student. The penalty for being Black, Hispanic, a veteran, or having limited English proficiency is smaller having taken an online course than a face-to-face course. On the other hand, women, the full-time employed, older students, and more academically able students compare more favorably to their peers having taken a face-to-face course compared to an online course.
Note that this is a study that also uses data from Community Colleges in Washington State (see No. 5 above). There seems to be a discrepancy between the two studies on the impact of online learning on Black students, although I may have been confused by the double negative in the above conclusions.
We draw on administrative data from the country of Colombia to assess differences in student learning in online and traditional on-campus college programs. The Colombian context is uniquely suited to study this topic, as students take a compulsory exit examination at the end of their studies. We can therefore directly compare the performance on the exit exam for students in online and on-campus programs both across and within institutions, degrees, and majors.
Our results suggest that bachelor’s degree students in online programs perform worse on nearly all test score measures (including math, reading, writing, and English) relative to their counterparts in on-campus programs. Results for shorter technical certificates are more mixed. While online students perform significantly worse than on-campus students on exit exams in private institutions, they perform better in SENA—the main public vocational institution in the country.
The quality of instruction may be higher for online than on-campus courses in SENA. Online programs and classes benefit from the best instructors in SENA, as instructors can teach virtually from the main campus. In contrast, in-person instruction at branch campuses in rural areas may vary in quality, drawing on local instructors that may or may not be as qualified or experienced as those leading online classes. Students in online classes engage directly with instructors in live virtual instruction for about 2 hours per week, which might be one key to the success of these programs. However, administrators also note that students who have trouble with internet connectivity or face other challenges can also access recorded lectures to learn asynchronously, if needed.
This study is one of the few listed that looks at factors that influence the actual quality of online learning.
In this study we analyzed six years of institutional data for three cohorts of students in thirteen large majors (N=10,572) at a public research university to examine …effects such as time-to-degree and graduation rates of students’ online course participation. Using online course offering as an instrumental variable for online course taking, we find that online course taking of major-required courses leads to higher likelihood of successful four-year graduation and slightly accelerated time-to-degree. These results suggest that offering online course-taking opportunities may help students to more efficiently graduate college…Online course taking is associated with more efficient college graduation; students who are given the opportunity to take classes online graduate more quickly than those who are not. We also found that online course taking is associated with a higher likelihood of successfully graduating college within four years.
This study is important as it looks at the longer-term success rate of online learning, rather than short-term outcomes such as course completion or course grades. The study also points out that studies on the effects of online course taking are focused on community colleges or for-profit universities. As the authors state, The student bodies and institutional contexts of community colleges and for-profit colleges are different from four-year institutions such that findings from these schools might not generalize to the four-year context.
We estimate the impact of the shift from in-person to virtual instruction in Spring 2020 on the academic performance of Virginia’s community college students. We find modest negative impacts (four to eight percent) on course completion. Our results suggest that faculty experience teaching a given course online does not mitigate the negative effects of students abruptly switching to online instruction.
Are you still with me? A lot of reading and these were just the abstracts.
First, I am very grateful to Stephanie Cellini for pulling together into one place so many studies comparing online versus face-to-face instruction. However, I have gone into considerable detail in reviewing this article, because the Brookings Institute is a highly respected and influential think tank on economic, social and educational issues. Its findings then need particularly detailed scrutiny.
Second, as always, I suggest that you read the original papers, but a warning: many use complicated statistical analysis to control multiple variables, and others look like they were written by computers, not humans. Nevertheless, I feel confident in making the following comments:
In brief, we need both online learning and face-to-face teaching. The issue is not which is better, but how do we make the teaching, in whatever form, effective for the students who are in those courses. If you want to know how to do this, read Teaching in a Digital Age.
Saba, F. (2000) Research in distance education: a status report The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, Vol. 1, No. 1
Schramm, W. (1977) Big Media, Little Media Beverly Hills CA/London: Sage