The Tasmanian Government offers a wide range of concessions and discounts on the cost of government services. The concessions and discounts aim to achieve a balance in the standard of living and access to essential services for all members of the Tasmanian community.
You can find out about the concessions and discounts available to you in three different ways:
You can browse concessions available by clicking on the category icons below.
You will need to meet specific eligibility criteria or hold a Commonwealth or State concession card to access discounts and concessions. Click on the card/s you hold then hit the search button to see the list of discounts and concessions available to you. Many discounts and concessions are also available even if you don’t have a concession card. Click on the button ‘I don’t have a concession card’ to view this list.
Download the Concessions and Discounts Guide 2023-24 [PDF 3.8MB]. Printed copies will be available on 30 August 2023.